Author: ssilas

Hong Kong Polytechnic University College Visit

Hong Kong Polytechnic University visited Seoul Scholars International on October 14th. Their admissions officer talked about their world-class education, international qualifications, and reputation for excellence. She went over fees and living costs and mentioned that tuition fee costs HKD 140,000/USD 18,000 per annum. It is mandatory for Hong Kong Polytech students to work as an […]...

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ArtCenter College Visit

ArtCenter Admissions Officer visited Seoul Scholars International on October 11th. An admissions officer informed the students about different majors, getting scholarships and having passion for art. He also mentioned the importance of time management in college. College information sessions are great opportunities for students to hear about schools directly from the representatives and ask questi...

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Dartmouth College Visit

Dartmouth Admissions Officer visited Seoul Scholars International on October 4th. She talked about residential experience at Dartmouth, different majors offered, and getting into selective colleges. 99 % of classes at Dartmouth are taught by professors and they truly value research. Students can even partner with faculty in funded research their first year. Many of our […]...

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University of Wisconsin Madison visited

University of Wisconsin Madison visited Seoul Scholars International on September 26th. Their International Admissions Officer talked about “The Wisconsin Idea” which means that knowledge should be used for service. He also talked about world-renowned academic reputation and said that University of Wisconsin Madison is ranked 25th best university in the world. Additionally, he mentioned that [&hel...

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University of Toronto visited

University of Toronto visited Seoul Scholars on September 25th. U of Toronto is the #1 university in Canada and is located in the heart of Downtown Toronto. In addition, U of T is Canada’s top research university and #2 in North America for research. Furthermore, U of T is ranked #18 in the world. U […]...

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University of British Columbia visited

University of British Columbia visited Seoul Scholars International on September 25th. Their Senior Director went over UBC’S programs and talked about work permit as well as research programs. Students can stay in Canada for 3 years after graduation and if they find a sponsor, they can stay for even longer. UBC is #1 in the […]...

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University of Washington College Visit

University of Washington visited Seoul Scholars International on September 18th. Their admissions officer talked about the application checklist, different majors offered and living on campus. In addition, University of Washington has students from all 50 U.S. states and 100 different countries. University of Washington uses unweighed 4.0 GPA scale and they specifically look at how […]...

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College for Creative Studies Visit

College for Creative Studies visited Seoul Scholars International and gave a presentation on their majors and different programs they offer. CCS offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees and most of their international students come from South Korea. CCS is located in Detroit and major cities such as New York and Chicago are very close to CCS. […]...

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