2022 College Visit – UCI / UCSC

The UC system consists of campuses of nine departments, and uses one application application system for all schools.
The deadline is November 30 and the test is conducted with blinds(can self-report, can only be seen once you’re matriculated for placement purposes).
After passing the English proficiency test, sign an offer letter.
-waitlist: sign the offer letter from accepted school first and THEN cancel if you do get off waitlist
-A-G requirements are general guidelines catered to US/California citizens
-UC GPA Eligibility: 3.4 eligibility (A-G subjects only and taken in 10 & 11 grades)
-13 components of admissions which includes- 1. Academic achievement (course rigor, academic trajectory, GPA) 2. ELC (honors programs, special projects) 3. Personal- school, family, community context [can use this to explain why certain discrepancies in grades or school life may have happened] 4. Special talents- skills, awards, leadership 5. Life experiences/ special circumstances
-UC tuition stability plan- tuition rate gets locked in at the point of student starting (for at least 6 years)
-Cost of attendance (non-residents) = $45,000/year
-undergraduate dean’s award offered at UCSC (part of application, no separate application required) worth $40,000 over four years. International students are eligible as well.
-UCI: League of Legends team and offers scholarship for varsity-level students (has an eSports arena on campus)

**US Citizens who don’t have residency in California- (First-year will most likely fall under non-resident category, but it might take a year or so to establish residency). Can be eligible for need-based and financial aid + FAFSA.

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